Would You Wear A Black Wedding Dress?

We often times associate the color white with a traditional wedding dress. The odd thing about that


We often times associate the color white with a traditional wedding dress. The odd thing about that is that white wedding dresses didn't really trickle into our society until the last couple of centuries. Before then, dresses were actually typically of color. Being able to afford luxurious textiles of all sorts of colors used to be symbolic of wealth and weddings were the number one places where people wanted to display their wealth.
Between white wedding gowns and colored ones, there's still one type of wedding gown that often seems taboo: the black wedding dress.
Black wedding dresses may seem a bit off the wall to the average female, but they're growing in popularity. I can't lie...I think they're incredibly sleek and sexy gowns.
If you're looking for a way to stand out on your wedding day from the crowd, a black wedding dress may be something that you want to consider. Lets face it: some girls just look better in black than they do in white.