What Do You Give The Couple Who Have Everything? The World ....

Bridal registries aren't what they used to be, that's for sure.

Back in the day, a set of shiny new saucepans or bed linen would have made your newly married grandma very happy. (She'd also probably have had a trousseau!)

But now you'll almost certainly have lived with your significant other before you tie the knot (and you'll also probably be older than your grandma was when she married and  have a proper career). All of which means that materially, you're probably pretty well off for kitchenware, china, linen, furniture and all the other items that make up a traditional wedding list.

Image of Taj Mahal

One thing you might want more of though is ... travel.

There will be places you want to go .... cities you want to see. Wouldn't that be a great idea, if you could ask for some globe-trotting expeditions as a wedding gift?

That's just what the clever wedding start-up Wanderable has come up with.

You just set up an account (you'll be up and running in less than five minutes). Personalize your registry with photos, a message for your guests and details of your wedding. Then you create your own short link (full instructions are given on how to do this). You can share details of your account on social networks like Facebook and Twitter.

Then you and your fiance plan your dream itinerary together, using inspirational images from some far flung spots such as Italy, France or Thailand.

Your guests can then give gifts towards your dream trip (and thanking them is easy, thanks to theWanderable gift tracking facility).

You'll have a dream trip to look forward to after your wedding day and some wonderful memories and experiences to share. Your guests will also know that they have given you something you really, really wanted (and you can share the images on your Facebook page).

What's not to like?