Want To Know What That Song Playing Is? Shazam It ...

Do you ever find, when you're out and about, that you hear a song or some music and think 'hey, I love that'.  I wonder who it's by? And then it's really frustrating because the friends you're with don't know either and there's nobody to ask. When you're listening out for wedding music it can be really annoying. Particularly when you catch something and think 'that would be perfect!'

But - panic over. There's now an app called Shazam that lets you identify exactly what the music is you're listening to - and then you can instantly download it.  How cool is that?

It's free to download and you can use it on every major mobile platform - iPhones, iPads, Blackberry, Nokia, Android and Windows Phones.

James Bond - aka Daniel Craig - even talked about Shazam on Saturday Night Live the other day. There's also a Shazam Facebook page to check out.

I downloaded the Shazam app a couple of weeks ago and used it almost immediately when I heard some music I liked in a coffee shop. It's going to revolutionise my music lists on my iPhone!

Image credit top Alex Beckett