Nesting with Nest - A Smart Thermostat for Your Home

We all know the age-old rhyme "first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage..." But, somewhere  between marriage and the baby, there's going to be a home. An apartment, a small cottage, a big and glitzy mansion or somewhere therein. Weddings are a beautiful celebration of whats to come down the road and the home is the epicenter of your union... Nest is now here to make that epicenter a little bit more like a space center with their smart thermostat.

Nest Thermostat

Nest works with revolutionary software allowing it to save you as much as 20% on your energy bills. To get started you have to answer a few pre-programmed questions. Nest quickly is then able to learn your schedule and it will, get this, programs itself to your needs. Now if only you could get your spouse to do the same....

It's as easy to install as a light fixture meaning a skilled, handy husband can install it in minutes or a certified electrician should be able to get you up and running for minimal cost. In fact, according to the Nest website 4 out of 5 people install Nest within 3o minutes.

Forget to turn down the heat and you're already at the airport ready to jet out of the Polar Vortex (brrr!)? No problem! Nest will most likely turn on Auto Away (which it can detect in 90% of homes). If not, it can be controlled with just a few swipes of your smartphone.

Nest works with both heating and cooling systems and recently introduced Nest Protect - a smart fire and CO detector that won't chirp at you when you try to make vegetable stirfry.

For more information on Nest visit the Nest Homepage: