What Music Would YOUR Guests Like To Dance To At Your Wedding Reception?

Obviously you want your guests to have a fantastic time at your wedding. Apart from the serious side

Obviously you want your guests to have a fantastic time at your wedding. Apart from the serious side of getting married you're going to want to celebrate with a party afterwards.

And in my book, a party usually means dancing.

Now being a good hostess means giving your guests everything they want - and if they're going to dance, they're going to want to dance to the music they LOVE.
PrintWhich is why I think these DY Request Cards by Ananya are such a genius idea. You put them on your reception tables and your guests write down the titles of the songs they'd like to hear played. They might be slow numbers or something that's going to get everybody hitting the dance floor.

Get them collected up before the DJ starts, hand them over to him and he'll add them to his playlist.

It means your guests don't have to shout their requests into his ear or queue up to have something played. And it also gives the oldies a chance to have their favourites played.

You can buy dance requests cards online direct from Ananya in a choice of designs - Ananya will also make cards up to your design too. Print
