A feather-themed wedding

Feathers.  A bit different and very pretty.  Understated but memorable.  And an easy

Feathers. A bit different and very pretty. Understated but memorable. And an easy way to theme your wedding day.

You can use feathers in your hair. Have a feather-trimmed wedding bouquet.

They're perfect for adding structure and style to table centres. You could use feathers to decorate your wedding cake. Your bridal stationery.

feather table centrepieces

The possibilities are really endless.

feather table decorations for wedding feather buttonhole

A feather theme is also inexpensive - you can buy feathers in all colours and sizes from craft shops and haberdashery stores. VV Rouleaux has an amazing selection of feathers available online.
bride with feather wedding bouquet

I loved this wedding I discovered via Style Me Pretty in which the bride used feathers to theme her wedding day.

floral chairback idea

You can read the full post on Style Me Pretty here. All photography by Jenn Cress.