Chapel wedding in the Cumbrian Dales

Emily & Kris married in the picturesque village of Dent, nestled in the Cumbrian Dales, far

Emily & Kris married in the picturesque village of Dent, nestled in the Cumbrian Dales, far in the North of England.

They took their vows in the little Wesleyan Chapel - the first wedding there for 29 years. So of course all the locals turned up to watch the happy couple.

When Emily & Kris emerged from the church they threw coins to the waiting children so that the gates would be unlocked (a local tradition). It was then that the heavens opened and the umbrellas came out.

But the weather didn't dampen anybody's spirits and it was a wonderful, memorable wedding day. We love some of the quirky umbrellas that were unfolded!

With thanks to Emily & Kris for sharing their wedding with us. Photography by Sam Clayton